Verifying the identity of a user of the system - who they are.
Verifying what in the system that user has access to - what they can do.
mongod --auth
With authentication enabled, you will not be able to do any database operations until you are authenticated. But what do you do if it's a new database and it doesn't have any users yet?
Answer: There's a localhost exception! You are able to create one user which you will then be able to use to create other users (you can't create more than one).
use admin
)db.createUser({user: 'Username', pwd: 'password', roles: [{role: 'useAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin'}]})
and get a response.By default, shell will connect to test database but you want to authenticate with the admin database
mongo admin -u Username -p password
When you want to connect to a database different from where your authentication is created:
mongo -u Username -p password --authenticationDatabase=admin
Other option:
use admin
db.auth('Username', 'password')
mlaunch init --sharded 3 --replicaset --nodes 3 --config 3 --auth
mlaunch by default creates a user with the username user
and password password
Using internal authentication automatically enables client authentication on sharded clusters
mongod --setParameter enableLocalhostAuthBypass=false
mongod --sslMode requireSSL --sslPEMKeyFile server.pem --sslCAFile ca.pem
openssl x509 -in client.pem -inform PEM -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout
Copy that output
mongo --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile client.pem --sslCAFile ca.pem --auth
db.getSiblingDB('$external').runCommand({createUser: '${subjectLine}', roles: [{role: 'root', db: 'admin'}]})
MongoDB uses the sasl plain mechanism for communicating with clients, sending and receiving data through plaintext. You can configure how saslauth communicates with the LDAP Server, but by default that also communicates via plaintext.
Install sasl:
sudo apt-get install sasl2-bin
Edit sasl file:
sudo vim /etc/default/saslauthd
(Sudo necessary because in /etc directory)
to START=yes
to MECHANISMS="ldap"
Create a file called sudo vim /etc/saslauthd.conf
Inside that file, configure your LDAP:
ldap_servers: ldap://localhost:389
ldap_search_base: dc=mongodb,dc=com
ldap_filter: (uid=%u)
Run the command sudo ls /var/run/saslauthd/
to see what files are inside your sasl folder.
is a unix socket and is the reason why we need to use sudo
commands in this folder.
Change permissions:
sudo chmod 755 /var/run/saslauthd/
Verify saslauthd can communicate with the LDAP server:
testsaslauthd -u User -p password -f /var/run/saslauthd/mux
If you use LDAP Server for authorization, does not mean you need to use LDAP Server for authentication.
Authenticate of credentials passed to MongoDB
Transform credentials to be able to match those set for authorization
Validate authorization
MongoDB will do a query to retrieve the LDAP group information
If the query requests attributes from an entity, the attribute values will be treated as the user groups.
If LDAP authorization is enabled, default determines that each distinguished name will be treated as the name of a role on the admin database. Roles may be created that are made of roles a user could possess.