Something that gives you a recipe step by step to solve some type of problem.
Algorithsm have data structures underneath them to make them go.
Tree is an example A tree has many more nodes than it has layers log does not grow very fast
Linked list is an example Scalable and often as good as it can get for any problem that requires you to look at every input once
Log term * log term Not much worse than linear
Nested for loops is an example
An efficient algorithm can be the difference between something that runs and completes versus something that explodes and couldn't run even if you had a computer the size of the universe.
Prim's algorithm
Each step of the algorithm either solves a small piece (base case) or puts together two small solutions into a larger solution.
(log n) situation
For sorting algorithms, log linear is common (best you can do with comparison-based sorts)
What is a base case of sorting? Single item.
How can we efficiently combine base cases? If you have two lists you know are sorted, you can interate linearly comparing the first element and whatever's smaller is the first element of the combined list, repeat
Natural evolution of merge sort Fast sort that is often used in places where performance matters In-place sorting Not a stable sort Pivot If you're deterministic in how you pick which of your elements to pivot around, for some inputs you'll be quaddratic Randomized quicksort Picks pivot randomly
Quaddratic Fun to learn, joke to use
There are some situations where being random is best Quicksort is a case where random is cheap, easy, and efficient
const fib = (n) => {
if (n === 0) {
return 0;
else if (n === 1) {
return 1;
else {
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
Not dynamic yet:
const fib = (n) => {
let fibs = [0, 1];
for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
fibbs.push(fibbs[i - 1]) + fibbs[i-2]
With memoization:
let fibbs = [0, 1];
const fib = (n) => {
if (n in fibbs) {
return fibbs[n];
else {
let res = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
return res;
Still recursive, but not redundant
No silver bullet, objectively good answer
Make sure you know and clearly define what the input and output is Ask what data structure is natural for that input/output
Sketch in pseudocode Not programming langauge Describe with the same sort of keywords and structures you'd use in a programming language what you'd do to solve the problem
Code up actual working prototypes
Test data to test correctness If algorithm isn't correct, probably don't want to use it
Approximation algorithms Traveling salesman NP-hard/NP-complete Algorithm don't give a solution that's fully correct but close enough with some confidence Don't need to worry about directly, but should know it exists Small test cases One bigger test case
Pick any solution that you can put together to show that the problem is solvable Often first workable solution will be greedy
What if you can think of the problem as bags of smaller indepdent problems similar to each other? Might want to try recursing and see if divide and conquer approach works Think about an efficient way to combine the solutions but problems themselves are independent and can be solved on their own
What if you can think of the problem as a sequence of smaller to large problems and as the problems grow, they're harder but can use the solutions from the previous problems? Dyanmic programming
Not every problem you face will naturally fit in one of these, but try to keep your eye out and be creative, think about the data structures involved.
Second goal besides correctness is efficiency Code works, now you want to see if you can make it better One of the main places to look is anywhere you iterate
"Are there any redundancies?" Look at nested iteration "Do I really need to do this? Could I save something from a different part of the algorithm and use it here?"
You will likely be working with high-level programs: Javascript, Python, etc. Iteration not always explicit Higher order functions: map, reduce list comprehensions in Python You might have nested or quaddratic features in your code
It's a little more expensive in high-level languages because they're checking bounds and seeing if things exist
Really cheap, really fast, potentially really dangerous Difference won't matter to you most of the time, but matters for things like math libraries (which is why they're written in C and Fortran) Might be using the library wrapped in Python code, but the math might be done in C.
Not just about for loops Can also have to do with constants Big O says to ignore constants When you initially try to solve the problem, it matters more what class you end up in overall complexity Once you have a soluiton, might be worth it looking at constants Never start by optimizing constants If you're in a situation where you're paying for your compute (working on the cloud) and you can change a constant from 1 to a half, you could cut your compute bill in half
Find the input/output Think about the data structure Try your tools Test for correctness Think about scalability and efficiency
Familiarize yourselves with what data structures are out there (since they are connected) Set is an unordered collection of unique elements Constant time to check presence for something in a set Like keys in a hash table Almost all good python code uses dicts Be aware of what structures exist and options and peculiarities in whatever language/system you're working on.
Distributed programming:
If your code is running on a constrained platform, you might actually even care about constants, fixed size, how much memory it takes
Start with something that works and get more specific as you go
In general with efficiency classes, you'll get a feel for them as you go: